If you watched the BBC One drama ‘The `Interceptor’ recently, you will have heard Trevor Eve’s character, Roach, bawling at one of his employees:
“Oi lad, get those gloves off! You’re a scaffolder! Health and safety is for girls and window cleaners.”
Predictably, the chastened junior duly removed his work gloves and continued moving heavy scaffolding poles unprotected. All very amusing and totally in line with the lack of moral fortitude one might expect of a guy who deals drugs on the side. Except that the blasé attitude towards health and safety is still a reality in some industries.
No laughing matter
Stories of elf n’ safety are all too common, making the serious matter of protecting workers and the public a popular joke. How can you not laugh at stories of children being forced to wear goggles when playing conkers, or the removal of city centre hanging baskets for fear of them falling on passersby?
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